COSC 3P32 – Introduction to Database Systems Assignment #2 (SQL代写,Database代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,COSC 3P32代写,Brock University代写)

For each of the following pairs of queries, determine whether or not the queries are equivalent.

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: SQL代写,Database代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,COSC 3P32代写,Brock University代写

COSC 3P32 – Introduction to Database Systems

Winter 2020


Due Date: 3 rd March, 2020, noon Late Date: 6 th March, noon This assignment accounts for 5% of your final grade and is worth a total of 50 marks. This assignment is to be completed individually.

All of the questions in this assignment use the following database schema, in which the keys of each relation are underlined:

Movie(title, year, director, budget, earnings)
Actor(stagename, realname, birthyear)
ActedIn(stagename, title, year, pay)
CanWorkWith(stagename, director)

Note: the CanWorkWith relation stores information on which actors and directors are able to work with one another – this is important as occasionally an actor will absolutely refuse to work with a given director (or vice-versa).

Question 1 [8 marks] For each of the following pairs of queries, determine whether or not the queries are equivalent. You must explain your answer. Think carefully – to be equivalent, the queries must provide exactly the same answer for every possible set of valid data.

a) [2 marks]

(i) πstagename(σpay < earnings - budget (ActedIn ⋈ Movie))
(ii) SELECT A.stagename
FROM ActedIn A, Movie M
WHERE A.title = M.title AND A.year = M.year AND < M.earnings – M.budget

b) [3 marks] (i) ρ (M1(title → t1, year → y1, director → d1, budget → b1, earnings → e1), Movie) ρ (M2(title → t2, year → y2, director → d2, budget → b2, earnings → e2), Movie)

πt1,y1 (M1 ⋈ (^) e1 ≥ e2 M2) (ii) ρ (M1(title → t1, year → y1, director → d1, budget → b1, earnings → e1), Movie) ρ (M2(title → t2, year → y2, director → d2, budget → b2, earnings → e2), Movie) πt1,y1 M1 – πt1,y1 (M1 ⋈ (^) e1 < e2 M2)

c) [3 marks] (i) SELECT C.stagename, COUNT(C.director) FROM CanWorkWith C WHERE C.stagename IN ( SELECT A.stagename FROM Actor A ) GROUP BY C.stagename

(ii) SELECT A.stagename, COUNT(C.director)
FROM Actor A, CanWorkWith C
WHERE A.stagename = C.stagename
GROUP BY A.stagename

Question 2 [14x3 marks]

Express each of queries (a)-(f) in both (i) Relational Algebra, and (ii) SQL: a) Find the titles and years of movies in which actor(s) with real name “Issur Demsky” acted. b) Find the stage names of actors with whom every director (who has made a movie) can work. c) Find the stage names of the actors with the highest pay for acting in a movie. d) Find the stage names and real names of actors who have never acted in a movie that has made a profit (i.e. in which earnings > budget). e) Find the titles of movies that have been used more than once (e.g. there are many movies titled “A Christmas Carol” made in different years). f) Find all pairs of stage names (renamed stagename1 and stagename2) such that the actor with stagename1 acted in the same movie as the actor with stagename2, but earned more for acting in that movie.

Express queries (g) and (h) in SQL: g) For each actor who acted in a movie in 2019, find their stage name, their year of birth and their total pay in all movies in which they have acted (i.e. including those not in 2019). h) For each director who has made at least 10 movies, find the total number of actors who have acted in a movie directed by that director.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Your assignment must be placed in an envelope in the COSC 3P32 assignment box.
  2. You must attach a cover sheet, completely filled out, to the envelope. This cover sheet is available from Your assignment will not be marked unless one is submitted with the assignment.