本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: 北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,ECON3040代写,University of Manitoba代写
Econ 3040 - Assignment 2
Ryan T. Godwin
In this assignment, you will estimate the slope of a demand curve, using data on the quantity consumed, and price, of “spirits” (hard liquor). The data is referenced in the textbook, and is originally from Prest (1949).
Due date: February 20th, 2020. Worth 3% of your final grade.
- Submit your assignment in the “Assignment 2” drop box on UM Learn. Include your name and student number.
- You must complete your assignment individually.
- Submit relevantRcode for each question in your assignment.
- Do not copy and paste output fromR. Format your results nicely.
Now, here is the assignment for you to work through.
The data can be found at:
- Type out the population model, and explain the purpose of the study, in your own words. You may want to refer to page 42 of the textbook.
- Report the sample mean, variance, and covariance for the variables in the data set.
- Estimate the population model by least squares. Report your results, and interpret the economic meaning of the estimated slope.
- Report, and interpret, theR^2 for your estimated model.
- Look at equation (4.10) in the textbook. Use two of the numbers from Question 2 (divide one by the other) in order to get the same result for the estimated slope that you got in Question 3.
- Plot the data, adding your estimated line to the plot. This plot should be included in your assignment.