Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI (Java代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,Simon Fraser University代写)

In this part you will implement a system for drawing basic shapes using blocks (cells) in a graphical user interface

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Java代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,Simon Fraser University代写

Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI


 Late penalty: 10% per calendar day (each 0 to 24 hour period past due), max 2 days late.

 This assignment is to be done individually. Do not show other students your code, do not copy code found online, and do not post questions about the assignment online. Do not use solutions from previous semesters, courses, or offerings. Please direct all questions to the instructor or TA via Piazza discussion forum.

You may use ideas you find online and from others, but your solution must be your own from this semester.

 See the marking guide for marking details.


 Assignment must be done in IntelliJ, and submission must be generated via File → Export to Zip file.


1. Shapes


In this part you will implement a system for drawing basic shapes using blocks (cells) in a graphical user interface. A Canvas class is provided to handle the basic drawing. Your shape classes will use an inheritance hierarchy to build up functionality without repeating code. The required shape class hierarchy is shown in Figure 1.


You will create a Shape interface and write classes that implement your Shape interface. Your concrete shape objects (Triangle, Rectangle, TextBox) will be able to draw themselves into the provided Canvas class.



1.1 Provided Code

The MainGUI class is the foundation of your application.

 It creates a GUI (graphical user interface).


 It exercise all your shape classes to draw some “pictures”


Some classes are provided to support drawing to the screen. You will work with a Canvas to draw your objects; the rest of these classes you do not need to know much about.


 Canvas: draws the boxes (or cells) of the display. Supports making each box a different colour and showing a character in the box. Your shape objects will call this when drawing themselves.

 PicturePanel: instantiated by the client code to hold and draw multiple Shape objects.

 CanvasIcon: a support class used to display a Canvas to the GUI.


Figure 2 shows a UML class diagram for these classes.





Figure 1: Shape class hierarchy.



Figure 2: UML class diagram of shapes and client




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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



1.1.1 Canvas Demo

Your shapes will use a Canvas object to display themselves to the screen.


The DemoCanvasGUI program shows how to draw on a Canvas. Its sampleDraw() method fills in a Canvas to look like Figure 3 by doing the following:

 Set the colour of a cell in the canvas.1

 Set the character in a single cell in the canvas.


DemoCanvasGUI only shows how to draw on the Canvas; it does not show making actual shapes. That comes next!






Figure 3: Canvas produced by DemoCanvasGUI


1.1.2 MainGUI

The MainGUI program uses your shape classes to show some “pictures”. This application is structured to allow you to test each shape one at a time during development. For example, Figure 4 shows its output for the triangle picture.


The application’s main() calls a number of makeXYZPicture() methods to generate some predesigned PicturePanels. You should not need to modify this file at all, other than un-commenting out the functions one-by-one as you implement the necessary shapes.


During testing you may comment out the calls to makeXYZPicture() to make the UI fit your screen.


When marking, we will likely replace this file with a clean copy of this file to ensure there were no inadvertent edits or


add extra test cases.                                                      Figure 4: Sample program output for Triangles


To support marking, this program also writes each PicturePanel to a file. You can safely ignore these if you like; they are generated so we can quickly diff your output to the reference implementation.


  1. Yes, colour has a 'u'; however, since Java does not spell it with a 'u', it is best to be consistent in code.


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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



1.2 Required Object Structure


You must:

  • Your project must have the following packages:
    • package ca.cmpt213.as4: Provided GUI program files (with mian()) will go here
    • package ca.cmpt213.as4.UI: Provided classes for drawing to screen (Canvas,

CanvasIcon, PicturePanel)

    • package ca.cmpt213.as4.shapes: Your shape classes/interface should go here.
  • Create a Shape interface
    • Each concrete shape must support the following method (required by PicturePanel):


void draw(Canvas canvas);


  • Create a ShapeImpl class which provides a base-level implementation of shared functionality required by derived classes.
  • Create a Triangle, Rectangle, and TextBox class.
    • Each of these classes must extend the ShapeImpl class.
    • Each of these classes must work with the interface expected by MainGUI. Of specific interest is their constructors.
    • MainGUI must generate the identical output as shown online for each of the

makeXYZPicture() test methods.

  • There must not be much, if any at all, duplicate code between these classes. You must use inheritance effectively. Don’t Repeat Yourself! (DRY)


The next sections of this document give some ideas on how you may want to structure your solution.


































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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



1.3 Suggested OOD

Figure 5 shows a suggested OOD for the shapes in this assignment. Each of these are described below. Both the diagram and the notes below are just suggestions; you may choose to do it a different (but at least as good) way.




- Green is public

- Yellow is protected

- 'A' in class or method

icon is abstract.

- 'C' in method icon is

































Figure 5: Detailed suggested UML design.


1.3.1 Shape Hints

Create a Java interface named Shape, as shown in Figure 5:


  • Each shape stores its location as the top-left X and Y coordinates of the shape (integers). ◦ The constructor of each class derived from Shape should set the coordinates.


  • All Shapes are drawn with a border (the border character), and have a coloured background.
  • The draw() function allows any Shape object to draw itself onto a passed in Canvas.





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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



1.3.2 ShapeImpl Hints

This abstract base class implements much of the functionality specified by the Shape interface.

  • It stores the location, border character, and colour as private fields.
    • Default character for the border is '*'.
    • Default colour is yellow (Color.YELLOW).
  • It implements the required getter and setter functions for these fields.
    • If a derived classes needs access to its location, border character, or color it uses accessor functions (encapsulation).
  • The constructor accepts the x and y location, plus the width and height of the shape.
  • The draw() function draws the shape into the Canvas parameter. However, since this is the abstract base class, it cannot know exactly how to draw the specific shape (such as a triangle). To draw a specific shape, it must “ask” the derived class as follows:


    • The shape's width and height are used by draw() to scan through all positions which are between (x,y) and (x+width-1, y+height-1).


    • For each position, ShapeImpl's draw() asks the derived class if that position is:
  • a border cell (drawn with a coloured background and the border character) by calling

isBorder(xPos, yPos)

  • an inner cell (drawn with a coloured background but no border character) by calling


isInside(xPos, yPos)


      • otherwise it is neither a border nor inside and not drawn at all.
    • Note that this is the “Template Method” design pattern (more in class or online):
      • draw() is the “template method”.
      • isBorder() and isInside() are the “primitive operations”.
  • isBorder() and isInside() are abstract methods which concrete derived classes override.


1.3.3 Triangle Hints

  • Triangle draws an equilateral right-triangle where the left and base (bottom) edges are the same size. See sample output.


  • x and y of the Shape class are the top left corner of the Triangle.
  • Constructor takes x, y, and the triangle's size.


1.3.4 Rectangle Hints

  • Rectangle stores a width and height.
  • x and y of the Shape class are the top left corner of the Rectangle.





















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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



1.3.5 TextBox Hints

TextBox is-a Rectangle and adds a message inside it.

  • When drawn on a Canvas, the TextBox places the text inside the box drawn by the Rectangle.
    • Use overriding to create a custom draw function, but use your base class’s draw() implementation.
    • Do not repeat the drawing code from Rectangle! You wrote it once; it works; use it!
  • Laying out the text is non-trivial:
    • If the message is too long to fit on one line, it must be split across multiple lines.
      • Strip leading and trailing spaces on each line of text in the TextBox.
    • To break the long text into parts, first attempt to break on a space if there is one; otherwise fill the entire line inside the Rectangle with text and break mid-word as needed.


    • Each line of text must be centred horizontally inside the Rectangle.
      • If there are an odd number of extra spaces on the line place the extra space before the text, such as " Hi ".
    • Text starts at the top row inside the Rectangle.
    • Text must not overlap the Rectangle's border.
    • If there is more text than will fit inside the rectangle then some text will not be displayed.



1.4 Implementation Suggestions

Suggested implementation order:

  1. Create Shape interface and ShapeImpl class.
  2. Create Rectangle class.
  3. Test using the makeRectanglesPicture() function.
  4. Move on to Triangle, then TextBox.


Carefully compare your output to the sample output on the course website. The provided MainGUI should generate identical output with your code without any modification, other than commenting/uncommenting the appropriate makeXYZPicture() functions.

























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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser


2. REST API for Maze Game


In this part of the assignment you will be creating a Spring Boot REST API for your maze game from assignment 3.


The course website provides a fully implemented web client front end that you can add to your project. Create a new Spring Boot project and extract the provided web client files into a /public folder in the root of your project.


When you run your project, Spring Boot will automatically serve up files in the /public folder to the web browser. So you should be able to browse to it at http://localhost:8080


The course website provides a number of resources to help you develop a Spring Boot server implementing the necessary REST API to support the web client:

  • REST API document detailing the end points and data


  • Data classes that the web client expects to be sent to it. These are wrappers: nearly empty classes that just expose data. You will need to implement the static factory methods in each to fully populate an instance of a class before sending it to the web client. You should not modify any of the field names or types because this may cause problems for the web client.


  • Video of full game being played, plus some tips on debugging.
  • POSTMAN file with many of the HTTP requests configured.
  • Full source code to the web client.


You should not need to modify the web client; however, you can if you desire. It should function in the same way it does in the video.


You must use your Assignment 3’s solution for the model in this assignment. If you worked with a partner for assignment 3, you can both use the solution. However, you may not work together to modify the model for use with assignment 4. If you did not complete assignment 3, or your solution is not usable for this assignment, you may use the sample solution but there will be a mark penalty (see marking guide). If you use the sample solution’s model then you must include a /doc/README.txt file stating that you are using the sample solution’s model.


If your Assignment 3 model had some bugs, then you don’t need to fix them as they don’t interfere with the game play. For example, it’s OK to generate a low quality maze as long as the game is playable (most of the time); no further deductions will be applied for this. On the other hand, if your model was not able to detect player-wall collisions, then that must be fixed as that is a requirement for this assignment.



  • Create a new Spring Boot project and copy in your model from Assignment 3.
  • Create a /public folder for the web client; copy in the provided files.
  • Create a new Java package to store the provided API wrapper classes.
  • Have your controller class store a list of games (i.e., instances of your model). Have your REST API look up games in this list whenever needed.
  • You may assume that the server processes one HTTP request at a time, but must support multiple games going on at once (i.e., in different browser tabs…)


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Assignment 4: Shapes and Game UI – Rev 2                                                                   CMPT 213 with Brian Fraser



    • You may need to edit your model to support any additional functionality this version of the game requires.


  1. Deliverables

Submit two ZIP files to CourSys: https://courses.cs .


3.1 Shape

ZIP file of your project for part 1. See directions on course website.


3.2 WebApp

ZIP file of your project for part 2. See directions on course website.



Please remember that all submissions will automatically be compared for unexpected similarities.















































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