CSC311 Fall 2020 Homework 1 (Python代写,Machine Learning代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,University of Toronto代写,CSC311代写)

Classification with Nearest Neighbours

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Python代写,Machine Learning代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,University of Toronto代写,CSC311代写

Homework 1

Deadline: Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 11:59pm.


Submission: You need to submit three files through MarkUs1:

  • Your answers to Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4, and outputs requested for Question 1 and 4, as a PDF file titled hw1_writeup.pdf.  You can produce the file however you like (e.g. LATEX, Microsoft Word, scanner), as long as it is readable.
  • Your code for Question 1, as the Python file This should contain the functions load_data and select_knn_model.
  • Your code for Question 4, as the Python file This should contain the all functions such as split_data and train_model.

Neatness Point: One point will be given for neatness. You  will receive this point as long as we  don’t have a hard time reading your solutions or understanding the structure of your code.


Late Submission: 10% of the marks will be deducted for each day late, up to a maximum of 3 days. After that, no submissions will be accepted.


Computing: To install Python and required libraries, see the instructions on the course web page. Homeworks are individual work. See the Course Information handout2 for detailed policies.

  1. [9pts] Classiftcation with Nearest Neighbours.  In this question, you will use the

scikit-learn’s KNN classifer to classify real vs. fake news headlines. The aim of this ques- tion is for you to read the scikit-learn API and get comfortable with training/validation splits.

We will use a dataset of 1298 “fake news” headlines (which mostly include headlines of articles classified as biased, etc.)  and 1968 “real” news headlines, where the “fake news” headlines       are from and “real news” headlines are from The data were cleaned by re- moving words from titles not part  of  the  headlines,  removing  special  characters  and  restricting  real news headlines after October 2016  using  the  word  ”trump”.  The  cleaned  data  are  avail- able as clean_real.txt and clean_fake.txt in on the course webpage. It is expected that you use these cleaned data sources for this assignment.

You will build a KNN classifier to classify real vs. fake news headlines.  Instead of coding the  KNN yourself, you will do what we normally do in practice — use an existing implementation.  You should use the KNeighborsClassifier included in sklearn. Note that figuring out how to use this implementation, its corresponding attributes and methods is a part of the assignment.


    1. [2pts] Write a function load_data which loads the data, preprocesses it using a CountVectorizer ( extraction.text), and splits the entire dataset randomly into 70% training, 15% vali-

dation, and 15% test examples.

1 2

    1. [5pts] Write a function select_knn_model that uses a KNN classifer to classify between real vs. fake news.  Use a range of k values  between 1 to 20 and compute both training      and validation errors, leaving other arguments to KNeighborsClassifier at their default values.  Generate a plot showing the training and validation accuracy for each k.  Report    the generated plot in your write-up.  Choose the model with the best validation accuracy    and report its accuracy on the test data.
    2. [2pts] Repeat part (b), passing argument metric=‘cosine’ to the KNeighborsClassifier. You  should  observe  an  improvement  in  accuracy.  How  does  metric=‘cosine’ compute the distance  between  data  points,  and  why  might  this  perform  better  than  the  Euclidean metric (default) here? Hint: consider the dataset [‘cat’, ‘bulldozer’, ‘cat cat cat’].


  1. [8pts] Regularized Linear Regression. For this problem, we will use the linear regression model from the lecture:




y =       wjxj + b.



In lecture, we saw that regression models with too much capacity can overfit the training data and fail to generalize. We also saw that one way to improve generalization is regularization: adding a term to the cost function which favors some explanations over others. For instance, we might prefer that weights not grow too large in magnitude. We can encourage them to stay small by adding a penalty:









R(w) = λ wTw = λ Σ w2


to the cost function, for some λ > 0. It is also possible to apply different regularization penalties in each dimension. The formulation would be:





Jreg(w) = 2N










  1   ΣN  .            2       1   D














s            =˛J¸             x    s


R¸     x



where i indexes the data points, βj ≥ 0 for all j, and J is the same squared error cost function from lecture. Note that in this formulation, there is no regularization penalty on the bias parameter. Also note that when βj = 0, you don’t apply any regularization on j-th dimension. For this question, show your work in detail as most points are allocated in showing how you obtained your answer.




[3pts] Determine the gradient descent update rules for the regularized cost function

Jreg.  Your answer should have the form:

wj ← · · ·

b ← · · ·

This form of regularization is sometimes called “weight decay”.  Based on this update rule, why do you suppose that is?

    1. [3pts] It’s also possible to solve the regularized regression problem directly by setting the partial derivatives equal to zero. In this part, for simplicity, we will drop the bias  term from the model, so our model is:




y =       wjxj.




It is possible to derive a system of linear equations of the following form for J β :



β         D




Jreg  =      A

wj       jj=1


j wjj  cj


= 0.


Determine formulas for Ajjj   and cj.

    1. [2pts] Based on your answer to part (b), determine formulas for A and c, and derive a closed-form solution for the parameter w. Note that, as usual, the inputs are organized into a design matrix X with one row per training example.


  1. [4pts] Loss Functions. Suppose we have a prediction problem where the target t corre- sponds to an angle, measure in radians. A reasonable loss function we might use is:

L(y, t) = 1 − cos(y t).

Suppose we make predictions using a linear model:

y = wTx + b.

As usual, the cost is the average loss over the training set:



J = N





L(y(i), t(i)).



Derive a sequence of vectorized mathematical expressions for the gradients of the cost with respect to w and b. Recall that the inputs are organized into a design matrix X with one row per training example. The expressions should be something you can translate into a Python program without requiring a for-loop. Your answer should look like:

y = · · ·



y = · · ·



w = · · ·



∂b = · · ·


You can use sin(A) to denote the sin function applied elementwise to A. Remember that



J /∂w denotes the gradient vector,









w  = 








  1. [9pts] Cross Validation. In this problem, you will write a function that performs K-fold cross validation (CV) procedure to tune the penalty parameter λ in Ridge regression.  CV  procedure is one of the most commonly used methods for tuning hyperparameters. In this  question, you shouldn’t use the package scikit-learn to perform CV. You should implement all of the below functions yourself. You may use numpy and scipy for basic math operations such as linear algebra, sampling etc.

In lecture, we learned training, test, and validation procedures which assumes that you have enough data and you can set aside a validation set and a test set to use it for assessing the performance of your machine learning algorithm. However in practice, this may be problem- atic since we may not have enough data. A remedy to this issue is K-fold cross validation which uses a part of the available data to fit the model, and a different part to test it. K-fold CV procedure splits the data into K equal-sized parts; for example, when K = 5, the scenario looks like this:





Figure 1: credit: Elements of Statistical Learning


  1. We first set aside a test dataset and never use it until the training and parameter tuning procedures are complete. We will use this data for final evaluation. In this question, test data is provided to you as a separate dataset.
  2. CV error estimates the test error of a particular hyperparameter choice. For a particular hyperparameter value,  we  split the training data into K blocks (See the figure), and for  k = 1, 2, ..., K we use the k-th block for validation and the remaining K −1 blocks are for training. Therefore, we train and validate our algorithm times.  Our CV estimate for  the test error for that particular hyperparameter choice is given by the average validation error across these K blocks.
  3. We repeat the above procedure for several hyperparameter choices and choose the one that provides us with the smalles CV error (which is an estimate for the test error).


Below, we will code the above procedure for tuning the regularization parameter in linear regression which is a hyperparameter. Your cross_validation function will rely on 6 short functions which are defined below along with their variables.

    • data is a variable and refers to a (t, X) pair (can be test, training, or validation) where

t is the target (response) vector, and X is the feature matrix.

    • model is a variable and refers to the coefficients of the trained model, i.e. w.
    • data_shf = shuffle_data(data) is a function and takes data as an argument and returns its randomly permuted version along the samples. Here, we are considering a  uniformly random permutation of the training data. Note that t and  need  to  be  permuted the same way preserving the target-feature pairs.
    • data_fold, data_rest = split_data(data, num_folds, fold) is a function that takes data,  number of partitions as num_folds and the selected partition fold as its arguments and  returns  the  selected  partition  (block)  fold as  data_fold,  and  the  remaining  data  as data_rest. If we consider  5-fold  cross  validation,  num_folds=5,  and  your  function splits the data into 5 blocks and returns  the  block  fold (∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) as  the  validation fold and the remaining 4 blocks as data_rest. Note that data_rest ∪ data_fold = data, and data_rest ∩ data_fold = ∅.
    • model = train_model(data, lambd) is a function that takes data and lambd as its arguments, and returns the coefficients of ridge regression with penalty level λ. For simplicity, you may ignore bias parameter for this question. You may use your solution from question 3.
    • predictions = predict(data, model) is a function that takes data and model as its arguments, and returns the predictions based on data and model.
    • error = loss(data, model) is a function which takes data and model as its arguments and returns the average squared error loss based on model. This means if data is composed of t ∈ RN and X ∈ RN×D, and model is w, then the return value is ǁXw tǁ2/2N .
    • cv_error = cross_validation(data, num_folds, lambd_seq) is a function that takes the training data, number of folds num_folds, and a sequence of λ’s as lambd_seq as its arguments and returns the cross validation error  across  all  λ’s.  Take  lambd_seq as evenly spaced  50  numbers  over  the  interval  (0.00005,  0.005).  This  means  cv_error will be a vector of  50  errors  corresponding  to  the  values  of  lambd_seq.  Your  function  will look like:

data = s h u f f l e d a t a ( data )

for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , l ength ( lambd seq ) lambd = lambd seq ( i )

c v l o s s l md = 0 .

for  f o l d  = 1 , 2 ,  . . . , num folds

val cv , t r a i n c v = s p l i t d a t a ( data , num folds , f o l d ) model = train model ( trai n c v , lambd )

c v  l o s s  l md +=  l o s s ( val cv ,  model ) c v e r ro r ( i ) = c v l o s s l md / num folds

return c v e r ro r


  1. [0pts] Download the dataset from the course webpage and place and extract in your working directory, or note its location file_path. For example, file path could be /Users/yourname/Desktop/
    • In Python:

import numpy as np

data  t rai n   =  { ’X ’ :   np . genfromtxt ( ’ data  train  X . csv ’ ,   d e l i m i t e r=’ , ’ ) , ’ t ’ :   np . genfromtxt ( ’ data  t rai n  y . csv ’ ,   d e l i m i t e r=’ , ’ )}

d ata   te s t   =  { ’X ’ :   np . genfromtxt ( ’ data  test  X . csv ’ ,   d e l i m i t e r=’ , ’ ) , ’ t ’ :   np . genfromtxt ( ’ d ata   te s t   y . csv ’ ,   d e l i m i t e r=’ , ’ )}

  1. [5pts] Write the above 6 functions, and identify the correct order and arguments to do cross validation.
  1. [2pts] Report the training and test errors corresponding to each λ in lambd_seq. This  part does not use the cross_validation function but you may find the other functions helpful.
  2. [2pts] Plot training error, test error, and 5-fold and 10-fold cross validation errors on  the same plot for each value in lambd_seq. What is the value of λ proposed by your cross validation procedure? Comment on the shapes of the error curves.

We  have made the following question optional,  because  some students  are  taking probabil- ity theory concurrently this year and don’t yet have the background to solve this question. However, you may find it is valuable to try to solve it.

  1. [Optional] Nearest Neighbours and the Curse of Dimensionality. In this question, you will verify the claim from lecture that “most” points in a high-dimensional space are far away  from each other, and also approximately the same distance.  There is a very neat proof         of this fact which uses the  properties  of  expectation  and  variance.  You  may  wish  to  review the Tutorial 1 slides3, or the Metacademy resources4.
    1. [0pts] Consider two independent univariate random variables X and sampled  uni- formly from the unit interval [0, 1]. Determine  the  expectation  and  variance  of  the  random variable Z, defined as the squared distance Z = (X Y )2.
    2. [0pts] Now suppose we sample two points independently from a unit cube in d dimen- sions. Observe that each coordinate is sampled independently from [0, 1], i.e. we can view this as sampling random variables X1, . . . , Xd, Y1, . . . , Yd independently from [0, 1]. The squared Euclidean distance can be written as R = Z1 + · · · + Zd, where Zi = (Xi Yi)2. Using the properties of expectation and variance, determine E[R] and Var[R].  You  may   give your answer in terms of the dimension  d,  and E[Z] and Var[Z] (the answers from    part (a)).
    3. [0pts] Based on your answer to part (b), compare the mean and standard deviation of R to the maximum possible squared Euclidean distance (i.e. the distance between opposite corners of the cube). Why does this support the claim that in high dimensions, “most points are far away, and approximately the same distance”?






















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