COMP3021 2020Fall Programming Assignment 2 (Java代写,香港科技大学代写,香港程序代写,COMP3021代写)

In PA2, you will implement a GUI version of the game in PA1. The core logic of the game remains the same.

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Java代写,香港科技大学代写,香港程序代写,COMP3021代写

COMP3021 2020Fall Programming Assignment 2

In PA2, you will implement a GUI version of the game in PA1. The core logic of the game remains the same.


  • Please ask questions using "Issues" on this github repository in case other students have same questions.

  • Add TAs as cooperators of your private GitHub repository.

Changes from PA1

  • GUI's components are to be implemented with JavaFX, meaning that you will need to familiarize yourself with JavaFX classes and functionality
  • The text version of Jeson Mor is still preserved, a new package gui is added under src/main/java/castle.comp3021.assignment
    • The entry point to the text game is now src/main/java/castle.comp3021.assignment/textversion/Main
    • The entry point to the GUI game is src/main/java/castle.comp3021.assignment/gui/GUIMain
    • You may still access the text game by using the --text size numProtectionStep argument when launching the GUI game
    • Please ensure that the text game is still playable after adding the GUI version!


The same as PA1, using the following environments:

  • Java >= 14
  • Intellij IDEA (Community or Ultimate Edition) >= 2020.2
  • Javafx 15 (No need to download it yourself, they are provided in the project).

How to set up

The Javafx 15 sdk for different operation systems have been provided (javafx-sdk-15-linux, javafx-sdk-15-osx, javafx-sdk-15-win-x64, javafx-sdk-15-win-x86). You can remove sdks for other operation systems.

Add Javafx SDK to library

  • File -> Project Structure, navigate to Libraries


  • Right click "+", and add path-to-javafx-sdk/lib


  • Click Open and Apply.

* You can remove javafx sdks for other systems.


  • Add ./lib to Libraries if it is not automatically configured.

  • After the above configuration, it is normal you CANNOT get the project run, because the functions related to show

scenes and panes have not been implemented.

How it works

The GUI version of Jeson Mor is expected to provide three main functions in the main menu:


Function1. Game Play

A. Customized Game Configuration

Before entering the game, a customized setting should be provided. You can also use default setting for the configuration.


Note: The role of players can be both computers, both humans or computer VS human.

B. Launch the game

After setting up the configuration of game, clicking "Play" button will go to the main game play pane:


The configuration is the same as what you set in the previous pane.

After clicking "Start" button, the game will start, the timer starts ticking.


The human player moves the pieces by clicking and dragging on the board. The board that has been selected will be highlighted.


You can restart the game when playing.

C. Check validation of moves

If the move is invalid or not your turn, a warning window will pop up.


D. Time elapsed

There is a Time:00:22 in the above figure, which shows the time elapsed.

D. Pop up winner

Pop up the window when winner comes out.


E. Export move records to file

When the game ends, the record of this game can be exported to a file.


F. Return to main menu

When clicking "Return" button, a confirmation window shows up to ask again.


Function 2. Setting


On this pane, the default board size, steps of protection and max duration (optional) can be edit. The role of players and sound effect can be also turned by clicking to flip.

Function 3. History Record Validation

This function is to validate the record of the game, checking whether the configuration of the game, moves, scores are valid. Two template records are provided under src/main/records. template_correct_record.txt is a correct one, template_incorrect_record.txt is an incorrect one with odd board size.

A. File Loading


After loading the file,


B. Validation

After file is loaded, validate this record and pop up information to show whether it is valid.

  • Validation passes


  • Validation fails


C. Replay

If the record passes the validation, the game process can be replayed.


Related Java Concepts

java.nio.file Classes

Since Java 8, Java provides a collection of classes under the java.nio.file package to complement the existing file-related classes under the package.

In particular, we will be using these classes in conjunction with the Stream<T> class to allow for more expressive and efficient code.

java.lang.Class<T> Class

In the provided skeleton of controllers.SceneManager, you may notice the use of the Class<T> class.

Class<T> class (JavaDoc) is a representation of a class in Java. This class is powerful due to its ability to provide information about a class, including its name, methods, member fields, constructors, etc. In addition, it also allows for reflection, i.e., the ability to modify classes during runtime.

However in PA2, we do not need to use these features.

Instead, we will use a Class to Scene map to easily switch between different scenes with one method.

Java Module System and JavaFX

Since Java 9, Java has introduced a module system to better modularize different components of a library.

Using this project as an example, under the src/main/java directory you will see the file. This file is used to declare the properties of this module.

Declare Module name

module castle.comp3021.assignment;

Simply declares this module to be named as castle.comp3021.assignment.

Declare Dependency

requires javafx.controls;

This statement declares that javafx.controls is a dependency of this module. In other words, JVM will try to find this module in the module path when loading. This replaces the old method of having to specify additional libraries in the classpath.

Declare Expose

exports castle.comp3021.assignment.gui;
exports castle.comp3021.assignment.textversion;

This statement declares that our module will expose the package gui and textversion to other modules. The reason for this is when the javafx.application.Application.launch is invoked, JavaFX will use reflection to call our overridden Application.start method. However, since the main package is not exported, JVM will throw an exception indicating that only exported packages can be accessed.

Alternatively, one may also declare the entire package to be an open module. However, this is considered poor design as this will allow all packages to be accessed externally, breaking encapsulation.

java.lang.Thread/java.util.TimerTask Classes

The Thread class (JavaDoc) is an abstract representation of a system thread. Java allows different threads to be run simultaneously.

In a single-threaded Java application (such as your PA1), only the Main Thread will be running. With the addition of JavaFX in PA2, a new thread called JavaFX Application Thread will also be running concurrently. The purpose of the Application Thread is to specifically handle UI-related updates at its own pace, which has the benefit of keeping the UI responsive while the background thread(s) handle computational heavy tasks. Android also uses a similar pattern, forcing all UI operations to be executable by the UI thread.

TimerTask (JavaDoc) uses the Thread class to execute a method without blocking other threads.

Student Task

Complete all the TODOs in the entire project.

**Note: You may need to add more methods to achieve your goal. No test cases are provided. The grade can be divided into two parts: GUI demonstration (major) and code style.*

A detailed description of each task is provided in the Javadoc above each method.

In IntelliJ IDEA, go to View > Tool Windows > TODO to jump to each TODO in the project. You may replace the placeholder implementation in the methods marked as TODO.

TODO Practiced Concepts
AudioManager::playFile JavaFX Media, Threads
Renderer::* JavaFX Graphics
ResourceLoader::* Static Initialization, JavaFX Image
SceneManager::SceneManager JavaFX Styling
SceneManager::showPane Java Maps, Class
DurationTimer::* Timer, Callback Design Pattern
*Pane::* JavaFX Controls, Styling
GameplayInfoPane::bindTo JavaFX Bindings
Serializer::* File I/O, JavaFX File Utilities
Deserializer::* File I/O, JavaFX File Utilities

All methods not mentioned in the above list practices concepts already visited in PA1.


It is recommended to start from, and so that you can get the scenes displayed.

Assignment Specification

Most of TODOs are under /src/main/java/castle/comp3021/assignment/gui .


This folder (gui/controllers) maintains the controllers for playing audio, rendering, loading resources and managing scenes.

AudioManager (gui/controllers/

Play the corresponding .mp3 audio when some actions are activated. The resources can be found at main/resources/assets/audio.

The are three compulsory voices need to play:

  • When a piece is selected (mouse click): click.mp3
  • When a piece is moved (mouse release and the move is valid): place.mp3
  • Winner comes out: win.mp3

Three optional voices are also provided, you can use them as you like:

  • When a player runs out of time: lose.mp3
  • When a piece is moving: move.mp3
  • When an enemy is killed: kill.mp3.

Render the necessary graphics on the canvas or GraphicsContext.


Load image resources. The image resources can be found at main/resources/assets/images.


Manage and show scenes and panes.


This folder (gui/views) defined the views of all panes, canvas and basic components.


Define the style of big button, extending Button.


Define the style of big vertical box, extending VBox.


Define the style of text field that will be used, extending TextField.

*Transition between panes*

The panes are defined under gui/views/panes. The names and the transition between them are shown below.


The functions of each pane are demonstrated in Sec 2(How it works), with one exception - *GamePlayPane*

The implementation of how player changes in GamePlayPane is not specified, you can do it either automatically or manually:

  • Manually player changes: once the previous player has finished the move, click "next" button to pass the control of the game to the next player.

More weights will be given if you implement

You also need implement the automatic change player when the previous player has made the move.


Bonus Task 1 - Countdown timer.

Instead of recording time elapsed, implement the countdown timer which counts down from the maximum duration for each player (default: 30 seconds, can be set in gui/ to 0 second. If the current player runs out of time, then he/she loses the game.

Bonus Task 2 - Automatic player change.

Automatically player changes: once the previous player has finished the move, the control of the game will be automatically passed to the next player without clicking extra buttons.

Bonus Task 3 - Smarter Random Player

In PA1, the computer player adopts a random strategy. For PA2 bonus, you should come up with a smarter strategy for random player. You need to explain your strategy and implement it.

[Updated at Oct 23, 2020] Please refer to Grading specifications of PA2.docx - VI(c) for details.

Note: the smart strategy cannot be hard coded (i.e., specifying each next move).

Obfuscated Version

We provide an obfuscated demo program which implements a GUI version of PA1. The demo program can be found at artifacts/PA2_obfuscated.jar.

Usage: (NOTE: Change the javafx sdk path according to your operation system!)

 java --module-path ./javafx-sdk-15-osx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,, -jar artifacts/PA2_obfuscated.jar

Or using text version:

java --module-path ./javafx-sdk-15-osx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,, -jar artifacts/PA2_obfuscated.jar --text 9 1
 --text 9 1

where 9 represents board size, 1 stands for the number of protection steps. The two arguments for text version is the same as PA1.

Code Style

Maintaining a good code style in Java program is good practice for a developer. To help you practise good code style in Java programs, we provide a jar application to check the code style of your code.


java -jar artifacts/checkstyle-8.36-all.jar -c artifacts/style_checks.xml src

If your code contains any bad code style, errors will show up with detailed information.

Note that good code style is also a part of your grade in this assignment.

Submission Requirements


Your submission is a zip file including:

  • The Java project. Please maintain the original file structure.
  • A github_url.txt file containing the url of your private repository. We will ask you to add TAs' accounts as collaborators.

You need to submit your zip file in CASS (not CANVAS). As well as push on your github repository before DDL!

The deadline of assignment 1 is 7 Nov. 2020, 23:55.

GUI demonstration

Every student will be asked to reserve a 10 - 15 minutes slot for GUI demonstration on zoom with TAs.


Do remember not to violate the following rules, otherwise it would be considered as an act of plagiarism.

  • You must not share your codes with your classmates.
  • You must not copy codes from your classmates.
  • You must keep your Github Repository Private all the time.

We will conduct code plagiarism tests on your program, and your grade will be deducted according to the Honor Code if any extent of code plagiarism is found.

Grading Scheme

Percentage Remark
Keep your Github repository private 5% You must keep your repository private all the time.
At least 3 commits in different days 5% You must commit in three different days in your repository.
GUI demonstration 80% Pass the specific demo tasks
Code Style 10% Get 10% if no error in code style checking. Deduct 1% for each 5 errors.
Bonus Task 1: Countdown timer Up to 5% Work correctly
Bonus Task 2: Automatic player changes Up to 5% Work correctly
Bonus Task 3: Smarter random strategy Up to 5% Make reasonable explanation and work correctly

Final grade for PA2 = min(100, sum of above).