CMPT384 ASSIGNMENT 4 (JavaScript代写,CSS代写,HTML代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,University of Saskatchewan代写,CMPT384代写)


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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: JavaScript代写,CSS代写,HTML代写,北美程序代写,加拿大程序代写,University of Saskatchewan代写,CMPT384代写



Task 1 (30): You are given two datasets. The dataset gemstone15.csv is a list of the gemstone trade transactions among countries in 2015. The lat and lon of the countries are located in CountryList.csv Write a d3 code to Read CountryList and gemstone15 to create a trade network visualization.


Task 2 (40): Create the nodes for the countries and edges that represent the trade relationships. Each edge represents an import or an export. Therefore, there can be at most two edges between two countries (one for import and the other is for export).

A pair of countries may have many transactions in the dataset, so sum all imports and all exports to create one edge for import and the other for export. If a pair of countries do not have trade rela- tion, then they must not be connected by an edge.

Task 3 (30): Clear up the layout by mapping import and export edge weights to the opacity. An example expected output is given at the end of this document.

Add interaction such that clicking on a node x shows only the nodes that it exported to and the corresponding edges. Clicking on x again will show the nodes that it imports from, and clicking on it the third time resets the visualization.



Submit a zip file containing all your code and supporting files. Mark is based on task completion.