Programming Assignment 1: Client-side scripting (JavaScript代写,CSS代写,HTML代写,英国程序代写)

Interaction between JavaScript programme and the Document Object Model (DOM).

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: JavaScript代写,CSS代写,HTML代写,英国程序代写

Summative Assessment

Programming Assignment 1: Client-side scripting





  1. Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge

    • Interaction between JavaScript programme and the Document Object Model (DOM).
    • Using control statements to loop and make decisions.
    • Understanding of the nature of imperative programming in the object-oriented style.
    • Knowledge and understanding of good programming practice (e.g. reuse, documentation and style).


Subject-specific and Key Skills - students will be able to demonstrate:

    • an ability to realise solutions to problems as working JavaScript programs
    • an ability to use software tools related to programming
    • an ability to recognize and apply the principles of abstraction and modelling
    • an ability to communicate technical information.

2. Requirements

  1. Develop a JavaScript programme that will:
    • include control statements, objects and include get/set operations
    • include JavaScript classes, with: constructors
    • showcase the principles of abstraction, modelling, prototypal inheritance
    • apply imperative programming principles
    • apply DOM


  1. Consider user interfacing
    • present your programme as a web application, by writing a set of HTML pages and CSS files
    • adapt your web application for mobile devices


  1. Apply good programming practices by:
    • using tools that support software development, i.e. web frameworks, Git, etc.
    • demonstrating code reuse
    • writing documentation - communicate technical information about your system by using JSDoc
    • accounting for code quality (you can use ESLint rule below, standard or recommended).


ESLint rules for code quality: You can use this .eslintrc.js

module.exports = { "extends": "standard", "rules": {

"semi": [2, "always"], "indent": "off"




Application domain


Develop a web application that will provide the latest information on Covid-19 in a specific area in the UK (or your country of origin). Note that you will not be evaluated on your data analytics skills; the focus here is on assessing your client-side scripting knowledge and skills.


Note: Alternatively, you can look for Covid-19 information with a greater focus on e.g. biological or medical aspects.


The application has to include the following functionality:

  • input interface, with an option for the user to input information (input text, select from options, etc.), e.g. on location, age, health condition, etc.
  • and output interface, that will use a variety of methods to present output information to the user, including most of the following:
    • textual content
    • images, videos
    • image maps
    • maps
    • interactive visualizations – graphs, charts, diagrams.

Mandatory content to include on your web page/application:

  • number of infected and death cases (trends over a certain period of time) -> based on that to label the area as low, medium or high risk;
  • government advice, restriction measures for individuals to follow (work, socializing, etc.);
  • maps with the most affected locations/clusters;
  • availability of hospitals.


Additionally, select any two of the following to also include:

  • shops, restaurants, cafes, pubs opening times and other measures they abide by;
  • effect on public transport services;
  • effect on economy/business -> trends over a certain period of time;
  • effect on population’s mental health -> trends over a certain period of time.


For the Covid-19 data to feed into the application, it is understandable it might not be the “latest information”. Also, you can merge several datasets if no single one provides all the data you want your application to give information on, or generate synthetic data for the variables/attributes you might be missing. You can find datasets on:

o E.g.




  1. Marking Criteria

The following are four marking criteria and the total points that can be obtained for each criterion.


Mark /100

System functionality


  • The system did what it was expected to do (including: accepting input, processing data, presenting information in various formats)
  • Demonstrated use of: control statements, classes, abstraction, modeling, imperative programming, DOM

Code quality


  • Code quality was accounted for (including: reliability, testability, resolving defects/bugs, consistency, portability, code length)
  • Appropriate parameterization was used, including defaults
  • HTML page was valid
  • There is evidence of use of software development tools, e.g. Bootstrap framework



Usability and clarity


(continued on next page)


  • All methods and parameters were documented
  • Enough detail was provided to use the code without having to read it
  • Code would be clear to understand for maintainers
  • Referencing and acknowledgment of the source of original code and/or data (including licenses)



Presentation, design and usability of user interface:

  • Interface style and design was attractive and appropriate for the domain of application (colours, fonts, page element position, etc.)
  • Appropriate on-page controls/interactivity were applied
  • Interface was usable: easy to use, easy to learn, intuitive, interactive, responsive