CMPS 401 Survey of Programming Languages (Python代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写,Southeastern Louisiana University代写,CMPS401代写)

Write a Python program ( under Ubuntu operating system that extracts a zip archive of text documents and read their contents.

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Python代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写,Southeastern Louisiana University代写,CMPS401代写

CMPS 401

Survey of Programming Languages

Programming Assignment # 6
Python Language
On the Ubuntu Operating System

Write a Python program ( under Ubuntu operating system that extracts a zip archive of text documents and read their contents. Each text document contains a list of names. It displays the results on the screen and also writes a new file (output.txt), which contains a list of names that appear in every document.

  1. An example zip ( archive is provided along with this assignment, as well as example outputs.

Sample Run:

$ python3
  1. You need to write Python 3 code (not Python 2). Note: Python 2 has different syntax.
  2. Your Python script accepts a zip file as a command line argument (ie. $ python3 And, you don't know the names of the text documents in the zip file. The zip archive ( is just an example. Your script must work with a zip with any number of text files with any number of names in each. Order does not matter in your program's output.
tom (^) output.txt rachel robert joshua justin jeff brandon richard william michael cory tom christopher 1.txt dustin sally jane zachary tom william sam john bob scott rachel beau 2.txt robert william tim sam jane rachel jacob dakota adam anthony tom lauren 3.txt

  1. You need a CMPS401 account on the Ubuntu Operating System.
  2. If you need help with this assignment, go to the following links:  Python_Programming_Language (  The Python Tutorial (  Learn Python The Hard Way: Book (  Python Programming (book by
  3. Python is one of pure interpretation languages; your program is not compiled before run.
  4. Useful UNIX commands are on page 3.
  5. Download the zip “” into your folder you will have your program
  6. There are 7 Python programming examples to assist you on this assignment.
    1. A simple program to run (
    2. Test data types and variables (
    3. Test selection statements (
    4. Test loops (
    5. Test subprograms (
    6. Other concerns: Test File I/O (, TFileIn.dat, and TFileOut.dat)
  7. Your program assignment # 6 consists of the following two files under “home directory” of your CMPS401 account:
    1. Python program (
    2. Text file (output.txt)
    Note: Your files on the Ubuntu Operating System will be checked and should not be modified after due date.

Useful UNIX Commands

Command Description man help menu pico simple text editor gcc compiles your source code “gnu C compiler” a.out executes your program ls al displays a long list of files “includes hidden files i.e. dot files” pwd prints working directory “pathname” cd changes directory mkdir creates a directory rmdir removes a directory cp file1 file2 copies contents of file1 into file mv file1 file2 moves a file from one place to another, or change its name rm removes a file more displays a file’s contents grep searches for a specified pattern in a file or list of files ps obtains the status of the active processes in the system kill 9 pid terminates all processes passwd modify a user's password logout terminates your session who display who is on the system finger displays the user information date > myfile “output redirection” saves the output of date command in myfile cal >> myfile appends” calendar to myfile cal display a calendar and the date wc file1 counts the number of lines, words, and characters in file


A Simple Program to Run (

Display "Hello" on your screen


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

print ("Hello") print ('Hello')

''' Output Hello Hello '''

Data Types and Variables (

Test variables: No declaration

Note: Python is a "Loosely Typed Language"

In Python a variable does not need to be

declared before being set.


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

i1 = 1 i2 = 2 f1 = 3. f2 = 4. c = 'a' s = "bcd"

f1 = i1 # implicit casting i2 = f2 # no type checking c = c + " " + s + " efg" # Concatenation Operator (+) s = len(s)

print("i1 = ", i1) print("i2 = ", i2) print("f1 = ", f1) print("f 2 = ", f2) print("c = ", c) print("s = ", s)

''' Output i1 = 1 i2 = 4. f1 = 1 f 2 = 4. c = a bcd efg s = 3 '''

Selection Statements (

Test Selections: if, if-else, nested if-else

Logical Operators: and, or, not (invalid: &&, ||, !)

Relational Operators: <, >, ==, <=, >=, !=


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

i1= i2= i3= i4= i5= i6=

#Test a simple if if i4 > i1: print("i4 > i1")

Test if-else

if (i5 < i2) and (i3 >= i2): print("(i5 < i2) and (i3 >= i2)") else: print("(i5 >= i2) or (i3 < i2)")

Test nested if-else

if i1 != i2: print("(i1 != i2)") elif (i4 == i5) or (i5 != i6): print("(i1 == i2) and ((i4 == i5) or (i5 != i6))")

''' Output i4 > i (i5 >= i2) or (i3 < i2) (i1 != i2) '''

Loops (

Test Loop: while, for, nested loops (Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries)


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

a = [1, 2, 'elephant', 1] # list: a sequence of mutable objects b = (1, 2, 3) # tuple: a sequence of immutable objects c = set(a) # set: an unordered collection, no duplication d = {'apple':'a', 'banana':'b', 'carrot':'c'} # dictionary: associative array

print ("Test while loop: list = ", a) i = 0 while i < 4: print ("a[", i, "] =", a[i]) i = i + 1 print ("Test for loop range(): tuple = ", b) for i in range(len(b)): print ("b[", i, "] = ", b[i]) print ("Test for loop: set = ", c) for v in c: print (v) print ("Test for loop: dictionary = ", d) for k, v in d.items(): print (k, v)

e = [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80, 90]] print ("Test nested loop: No array in Python but similar to 2D array = ", e) for i in range(len(e)): for j in range(len(e[i])): print (e[i][j])

print ("Test list: concatenation") f = a + ['b', 'c'] print (f) print ("Test list: insert") f.insert(2, 'a') print (f) print ("Test list: remove") f.remove('b') print (f)

''' Output Test while loop: list = [1, 2, 'elephant', 1] a[ 0 ] = 1 a[ 1 ] = 2 a[ 2 ] = elephant a[ 3 ] = 1 Test for loop range(): tuple = (1, 2, 3) b[ 0 ] = 1 b[ 1 ] = 2 b[ 2 ] = 3 Test for loop: set = {1, 2, 'elephant'} 1 2 elephant Test for loop: dictionary = {'apple': 'a', 'carrot': 'c', 'banana': 'b'} apple a carrot c banana b Test nested loop: No array in Python but similar to 2D array = [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80, 90]] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Test list: concatenation [1, 2, 'elephant', 1, 'b', 'c'] Test list: insert [1, 2, 'a', 'elephant', 1, 'b', 'c'] Test list: remove [1, 2, 'a', 'elephant', 1, 'c'] '''

Subprograms (

Test Subprograms: Call by Value and Call by Reference


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

def func1(i): i = i + 1 def func2(i): i = i + 2 return i def func3(i, j): i = i + 3 j[0] = j[1] + 4

print("Test call by value") m = 1 func1(m) print("func1() m = ", m) n = func2(m) print("func2() n = ", n)

print("Test call by reference: list") a = [10, 20, 30] func3(a[1], a) print("func3() a = ", a)

''' Output Test call by value func1() m = 1 func2() n = 3 Test call by reference: list func3() a = [24, 20, 30] '''

Other concerns: Test File I/O (

Test File I/O: Read, Write

An example program which

reads (TFileIn.dat) records from a input file,

displays the records,

and writes (TFileOut.dat)them to a sequential file.


Author: Kuo-pao Yang

OS: Ubuntu 18

Interpreter: Python 3


The following instructions are used to

edit and run this program

$ nano

$ python3

fIn = open("TFileIn.dat", "r") fOut = open("TFileOut.dat", "w") for line in print(line) fOut.write(line + "\n") fIn.close() fOut.close()

''' Output


abcd efg


abcd efg

Screen Outputs

abcd efg '''