Homework 5: numpy and matplotlib (Python代写,Machine Learning代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写,Western Michigan University代写,STATS507代写)

The (comparatively) young field of random matrix theory (RMT) concerns the behavior of certain matrices with independent random entries.

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Python代写,Machine Learning代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写,Western Michigan University代写,STATS507代写

Homework 5: numpy and matplotlib

Due October 24, 11:59 pm

Worth 20 points

Read this first.A few things to bring to your attention:
  1. Start early! If you run into trouble installing things or importing packages, it’s best to find those problems well in advance, not the night before your assignment is due when we cannot help you!
3.Make sure you back up your work! I recommend, at a minimum, doing your
work in a Dropbox folder or, better yet, usinggit, which is well worth your time
and effort to learn.
4.Be careful to follow directions! Remember that Python is case sensitive. If we
ask you to define a function calledmy_functionand you define a function called
My_Function, you will not receive full credit.
5.A note on grading: overly complicated solutions or solutions that suggest an
incomplete grasp of key concepts from lecture will not receive full credit.

Instructions on writing and submitting your homework. Failure to follow these instructions will result in lost points. Your homework should be written in a jupyter notebook file. I have made a template available on Canvas, and on the course website at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~klevin/teaching/ Fall2019/STATS507/hw_template.ipynb. You will submit, via Canvas, a.zipfile called yourUniqueName_hwX.zip, whereXis the homework number. So, if I were to hand in a file for homework 5, it would be calledklevin_hw5.zip. Contact the instructor or your GSI if you have trouble creating such a file. When I extract your compressed file, the result should be a directory, also called yourUniqueName_hwX. In that directory, at a minimum, should be a jupyter notebook file, calledyourUniqueName.hwX.ipynb, where againXis the number of the current homework. Feel free to define supplementary functions in other Python scripts, but be sure to include them in your compressed directory if you use them. In short, I should be able to extract your archived file and run your notebook file on my own machine by opening it in jupyter and clicking, for example,Cells->Run all. Importantly, please ensure that none of the code in your submitted notebook file results in errors. Errors in your code cause problems for our auto-grader. Thus, even though we frequently ask you to check for errors in your functions, you should not include in your submission any examples of your functions actually raising those errors. Please include all of your code for all problems in the homework in a single Python notebook unless instructed otherwise, and please include in your notebook file a list of any

and all people with whom you discussed this homework assignment. Please also include an estimate of how many hours you spent on each of the sections of the assignment. Instructions on submitting your homework can be found on the course web page at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~klevin/teaching/Fall2019/STATS507/hw_instructions. html. Please direct any questions to either the instructor or your GSI.

1 Warmup: Around the Semicircular Law (6 points)

The (comparatively) young field of random matrix theory (RMT) concerns the behavior of certain matrices with independent random entries. A landmark result in RMT concerns the behavior of the eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix with normal entries. Under the proper scaling, the joint distribution of the eigenvalues of such a matrix follows the Wigner semicircular distribution, which has density

f(x) =


4 −x^2
2 π if −^2 ≤x≤^2
0 otherwise.


That is, a symmetric matrix with random normal entries will have eigenvalues whose histogram looks more and more like a semicircle of radius 2 asnincreases to∞. In particular, define a matrix-valued random variable Z ∈ Rn×n by generating Zi,j i.i.d. normal with mean 0 and variance 1/nfor all 1≤ i ≤j ≤ n, and set Zj,i= Zi,j for 1 ≤j≤i≤n. Then the matrixZ∈Rn×nis called aWigner matrix.

  1. Define a functionwigner_densitythat takes a single number (integer or float) as its input and returns a float as its output, given by the value of the semicircular density evaluated at the input. That is, for a numberx,wigner_density(x)should return f(x), wherefis defined above in Equation (1). You do not need to perform any error checking in this function, but note that your function should operate equally well on Python ints/floats and onnumpyints/floats, and you should be able to accomplish this without checking the type of the input. Use thenumpy.sqrtfunction for the square root,notthe Pythonmath.sqrtfunction.

  2. Define a function generate_wigner that takes a single positive integern as its argument and returns a randomn-by-nWigner matrix. Your function should raise an appropriate error in the event that the input is not an integer or if it is not positive. The output of your function may be either anumpymatrix or simply a numpyarray. I would slightly recommend the former, for ease of use in the next subproblem. You can cast a 2-dimensionalnumpyarrayato a matrix by writing np.matrix(a). Hint: depending on the solution you choose, you may find the numpy.triuandnumpy.trilfunctions to be useful. A different solution makes use of thescipy.spatial.distance.squareformfunction.

  3. The RMT result referenced above states that the joint distribution of the eigenval- ues of a random Wigner matrix converges to the semicircular law. Write a function get_spectrum that takes a numpymatrix or 2-dimensional numpy array and re- turns anumpyarray of its eigenvalues in non-decreasing order. You do not need to perform any error checking for this function. You fill find the following documenta- tion useful: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy. linalg.eigh.html#numpy.linalg.eigh.

  4. Create a plot with four subplots, arranged vertically, each showing a (normalized) histogram, in blue, of the eigenvalues of a randomn-by-nWigner matrix forn= 100 , 200 ,500 and 1000. In each subplot, overlay a red curve indicating the density of the semicircular law, as defined in (1). Hint: depending on how you implemented wigner_densityabove, you may find thenumpy.vectorizefunction helpful. How big doesnhave to be before the semicircular law appears to be a good fit? Of course, in practice, we would answer this question more rigorously with, for example, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which you can find in thescipy.statsmodule, but that is entirely optional. Note: this experiment involves some matrix eigenvalue computations, which are comparatively expensive. If you setnlarger than about 5000, be prepared to wait a few minutes for your answer, especially if you are running on a laptop.

2 Plotting a Mixture of Normals (6 points)

The whole reason that we use plotting software is to visualize the data that we are work- ing with, so let’s do that. The zip file located atwww-personal.umich.edu/~klevin/ teaching/Fall2019/STATS507/hw5_files.zipcontains two files, storing data from an experiment in my own research. The filepoints.dlmis a tab-delimited file (.dlmstands for “delimited”). Such a format is common when writing reasonably small files, and is useful if you expect to use a data set across different programs or platforms. See the documentation for the commandnumpy.loadtxtto see how to read this file. The file labels.npyis a numpy binary file, representing anumpyobject. The.npyfile format is specific tonumpy. Many languages (e.g., R and MATLAB) have their own such language- specific file formats for saving variables, workspaces, etc. These formats tend to be more space-efficient, typically at the cost of program-dependence. It is best to avoid such files if you expect to deal with the same data set in several different environments (e.g., you run experiments in MATLAB and do your statistical analysis in R)..npyfiles are opened usingnumpy.load. The observations in my experiment were generated from a distribution that isapprox- imately normal, but not precisely so. Let’s explore how well the normal approximation holds.

  1. Download the .zip file, extract it, and read the two files intonumpy. Please include bothlabels.npyandpoints.dlmin your final submission. The former of these should yield a numpyarray of 0s and 1s, and the latter should yield a 100-by- numpyarray, in which each row corresponds to a 2-dimensional point. The i-th entry of the array inlabels.npycorresponds to the cluster membership label of the i-th row of the matrix stored inpoints.dlm.
  2. Generate a scatter plot of the data. Each data point should appear as anx(often called acrossin data visualization packages), colored according to its cluster mem- bership as given bypoints.npy. The points with cluster label 0 should be colored blue, and those with cluster label 1 should be colored red. Set the x and y axes to both range from 0 to 1. Adjust the size of the point markers to what you believe to be reasonable (i.e., aesthetically pleasing, visible, etc).
  3. Theoretically, the data should approximate a mixture of normals with means and
covariance matrices given by
μ 0 = (0. 2 , 0 .7)T,Σ 0 =


0. 015 − 0. 011

− 0. 011 0. 018



μ 1 = (0. 65 , 0 .3)T,Σ 1 =


0. 016 − 0. 011

− 0. 011 0. 016



For each of these two normal distributions, add two contour lines corresponding
to 1 and 2 “standard deviations” of the distribution. We will take the 1-standard
deviation contour to be the level set (which is an ellipse) of the normal distribution
that encloses probability mass 0.68 of the distribution, and the 2-standard deviation
contour to be the level set that encloses probability mass 0.95 of the distribution.
The contour lines for cluster 0 should be colored blue, and the lines for cluster 1
should be colored red. The contour lines will go off the edge of the 1-by-1 square
that we have plotted. Do not worry about that.Hint: these ellipses are really just
confidence regions given by
(x−μ)TΣ−^1 (x−μ)≤χ^22 (p),
wherepis a probability andχ^2 dis the quantile function for theχ^2 distribution withd
degrees of freedom.Hint:use the optional argumentlevelsfor thepyplot.contour
  1. Do the data appear normal? There should be at least one obvious outlier. Add an annotation to your figure indicating one or more such outlier(s).

3 Conway’s Game of Life (8 points)

Conway’s Game of Life (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life) is a classic example of acellular automatondevised by mathematician John Conway. The game is a classic example of how simple rules can give rise to complex behavior. The game is played on anm-by-nboard, which we will represent as anm-by-nmatrix. The game proceeds in steps. At any given time, each cell of the board (i.e., entry of our matrix), is either alive (which we will represent as a 1) or dead (which we will represent as a 0). At each step, the board evolves according to a few simple rules:

  • A live cell with fewer than two live neighbors becomes a dead cell.
  • A live cell with more than three live neighbors becomes a dead cell.
  • A live cell with two or three live neighbors remains alive.
  • A dead cell withexactlythree live neighbors becomes alive.
  • All other dead cells remain dead.

The neighbors of a cell are the 8 cells adjacent to it, i.e., left, right, above, below, upper- left, lower-left, upper-right and lower-right. We will follow the convention that the board istoroidal, so that using matrix-like notation (i.e., the cell (0,0) is in the upper-left of the board and the first coordinate specifies a row), the upper neighbor of the cell (0,0) is (m− 1 ,0), the right neighbor of the cell (m− 1 ,n−1) is (m− 1 ,0), etc. That is, the board “wraps around”.Note: you are not required to use this matrix-like indexing. It’s just what I chose to use to explain the toroidal property.

  1. Write a functionis_valid_boardthat takes anm-by-nnumpyarray (i.e., anndarray) as its only argument and returns a Python Boolean that isTrueif and only if the argument is a valid representation of a Game of Life board. A valid board is any two-dimensional numpyndarraywith all entries either 0.0 and 1.0.
  2. Write a function calledgol_stepthat takes anm-by-nnumpyarray as its argument and returns anothernumpyarray of the same size (i.e., alsom-by-n), corresponding to the board at the next step of the game. Your function should perform error checking to ensure that the provided argument is a valid Game of Life board.
  3. Write a function calleddraw_gol_boardthat takes anm-by-nnumpyarray (i.e., anndarray) as its only argument and draws the board as anm-by-nset of tiles, colored black or white correspond to whether the corresponding cell is alive or dead, respectively. Your plot shouldnothave any grid lines, nor should it have any axis labels or axis ticks. Hint: see the functionsplt.xticks()andplt.yticks()for changing axis ticks. Hint: you may find the functionplt.get_cmapto be useful for working with thematplotlib Colormapobjects.
  4. Create a 20-by-20 numpy array corresponding to a Game of Life board in which all cells are dead, with the exception that the top-left 5-by-5 section of the board looks like this:
Plot this 20-by-20 board usingdraw_gol_board.
  1. Generate a plot with 5 subplots, arranged in a 1-by-5 grid (i.e., horizontal array of 5 subplots), showing the first five steps of the Game of Life when started with the board you just created, with the steps ordered from left to right. The first plot should be the starting board just described, so that the first plot is the state of the board before we execute any steps. The figure in the 5-by-5 sub-board above is called aglider, and it is interesting in that, as you can see from your plot, it seems to move along the board as you run the game.

Optional additional exercise:create a function that takes two arguments, a Game of Life board and a number of steps, and generates an animation of the game as it runs for the given number of steps.