Fundamentals: Expressions and Assignment (Python代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写)

A typical Python program is made up of one or more statements , which are executed in a Python console (also known as a shell ) for their side effects —e.g, to input some values, write some values to a file, display values to the user , etc.

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本次CS代写的主要涉及如下领域: Python代写,北美程序代写,美国程序代写

Fundamentals: Expressions and Assignment

A typical Python program is made up of one or more statements , which are executed in a Python console (also known as a shell ) for their side effects —e.g, to input some values, write some values to a file, display values to the user , etc.

There are many kinds of Python statements. But the most fundamental is assignment . An assignment statement has the following form, where var denotes a variable and exp denotes an expression :

var = exp (Spoken as: ‘ var is assigned exp ’ or ‘ var gets exp ’.)

To execute an assignment, the console first evaluates exp and creates an object^1 to represent the value of exp . The console then associates the name var with this object.^2 After executing the assignment, var can be used in other expressions to stand for this value.

Every object has a type . The type determines how the console represents the object in memory, how the object can be used in a program, and how the console displays the object to the user. You can learn an object’s type using Python’s type function—for example, evaluating the expression type(1.5) returns the type float.

This exercise explores these concepts in more detail. It also requires you to experiment in the console and load and run a Python program.

Part (a): (Expressions and types) A literal expression stands for a fixed value. The table below illustrates four kinds of literals, their types, and the values that they stand for.

Literal Type Value	

18 - 1000 0 int (^) The integers 18 and −10, 3.5 -3e- 4 float (^) The decimal numbers 3.5 and −0. 'THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!' str The sequence of 22 characters between the single quotes (including spaces and punctuation) "No, 'e's uh,... resting." str The sequence of 24 characters between the double quotes (including spaces and punctuation) """I never! Yes you did!""" str^ The sequence of 21 characters between the triple quotes (including spaces, punctuation, and a new-line character ( \n )) True False bool (^) The Boolean values true and false (^1) An object is a representation in computer memory of a real-world value, such as an integer or a real number. (^2) More precisely, the console associates var with an available location in memory and stores the object at that location.

In an expression, a variable stands for the value that was last assigned to it. For example, executing x = 5 associates the variable x with the value 5. After this assignment, evaluating the expression x returns a 5 and evaluating the expression type(x) returns int.

More complex expressions are formed by applying operators and functions to other expressions, called arguments. For example, after the assignment x = 5 , evaluating the expression x + 2 returns 7 – the value produced by adding the values of the arguments, x and .

With a partner, bring up Spyder. Press the Variable explorer tab in the top right pane. Follow the instructions below discussing answers to the questions with your partner; put a pink “tent” on your monitor if you are uncertain of an answer or have other questions.

  1. In the console, type each literal below followed by the enter - key, and note what the console displays for each: a. 1 500. b. 1.5e c. 1.5e 20 d. 150000000000000000000.0 (there are 19 zeros before the decimal point) e. 150000000000000000008 .0 (there are 18 zeros before the 8) f. 150000000000000000000 g. 150000000000000000008
Q:	What	can	you	conclude	from	the	results	produced	by	(d)	and	(e)?
Q:	What	can	you	conclude	from	the	results	produced	by	(f)	and	(g)?
Q:	How do	you	think	the	console determines whether	to	display	a	 float value	using	the	
exponent	notation or	as	a	decimal	number	(a	series	of	digits	containing a	period)?
  1. In the console, enter the identifier x (i.e., type x followed by the enter - key) Q: Why does the console display an error?
  2. Enter the assignment x = 1.5e3 . Q: Why doesn’t the console display anything?
Q:	What	side	effect	occurred and	how	does	Spyder	show	this	side	effect?		
Q:	What	does the	console display	if	you	now	enter	 x?
Q:	What	does the	console display	if	you	now	enter	 type(x)?
  1. Follow the instructions in the handout “ Downloading Python Scripts (programs) from the CTL _ _website ” to create a CTL folder that contains a Week01 subfolder, and then download into the subfolder. Next, follow the instructions in the handout “ Opening and Working on Python Scripts (programs) in Spyder ” to open in Spyder. (Do not run it yet.)
The	Spyder	Editor	(left pane)	sheet	should	now	contain	a	3-line	program	containing	 6	
Q:	What	is	displayed if	you	now	enter	 y into	the	console?		Why	do	you	think	this	is?
Q:	Based	on	that	experiment,	what	do	you	think	the	console will	display	if	you	enter	the	
expression	 a * b into	the	console?			
  1. Press the big green arrow in the toolbar to run (execute) the program.
Q:	How	does	Spyder	show	the	effect	of	running	the	program?
Q:	What	is	displayed	if	you	now	enter the	following	expressions	into	the	console:
a. a * b
b. y * b
c. s + t
d. s + x

6. To correctly form expressions that use functions and operators, you need to know the Python typing rules . Typing rules indicate what types of arguments an operator can be applied to and the type of the value it returns. In this step, you will experiment in the console to discover some typing rules for a few useful Python operators.

Some	examples	to	get	you	started:		In	5	(a)	above,	since	 a is	an	 int and	 b is	an	 int and	since	
executing	 a * b returns	an	 int ,	the	result	of (a) suggests that	multiplying	two	 int values	
produces an int value.		This	is	expressed	as	the	typing	rule:	
int * int - > int
Similarly,	the	result	of	 5	 (b) suggests	that	multiplying	a	 float by	an	 int produces	a	 float .		
This	is	expressed	as	the	typing	rule:	 float * int -> float
The	result	in	 5	 (c)	suggests	the	typing	rule:	 str + str - > str
In	contrast,	evaluating	the	expression	in	(d)	produces	an error.	This	is	expressed	by	the	rule:
str + float - > ERROR
Beside	each	expression	below,	write the	typing	rule suggested	by	entering	the	expression	into	
the	console:
a - x
b ** a
b ** y
b // a
b / a
b % a
y // a
y % a
s * t

7. To correctly form expressions that contain many operators, you need to know the precedence of operators and how operators associate . The following table shows the precedence of the Python operators that we’ve used so far, from highest (power) to lowest (addition and subtraction):

Operator Description

xy** (^) power – x, +x (^) negative and positive *xy, x/y, x//y, x%y** (^) multiplication, division, quotient, and remainder x+y, x-y (^) addition and subtraction Most Python operators at the same precedence level associate from left to right. The one exception is the power operator, **, which associates from right to left.

For	example:
1	 – 3	*	2	+	7		 =		 1	 – 6	+	7	 =		 – 5	+	7 =	
2	**	3	**	2 = 2**9 = 512	
Assume	the	following	assignments	were	previously	entered	in	the	console:		 A = 2 and B = 3
Fill	in	the	table	with	the	value	of	each	expression	( do	these	on	paper! ).		
Expression Value Expression Value

A + B // 2 (A + B) // 2 (^) **- B - A + 2 * A** (^) **(- (B - A) + 2 ) * A** (^) **B * A / A * B** (^) **B * A / (A * B)** (^) **10 ** B ** A * -0.5** (^) **(10 ** B) ** (A * -0.5)** (^) After filling in the table, download the file from this week’s Artifacts section to your CTL > Week0 1 folder as a Py File(.py) . Open in Spyder and execute it to check your answers. (Refer to the handouts on downloading and opening Python scripts, if needed.)

  1. For each type, Python provides a type constructor , which is a function for creating values of that type; the type constructor name is the same as the type name. Test this out in the console by executing expressions such as the following.
float(3 * 75)